Jen & Tom

October 19, 2024 • St. Simons Island, GA

Jen & Tom

October 19, 2024 • St. Simons Island, GA

Wish List

A note on our registry: There is no need to give us a wedding gift! We are simply grateful that you choose to celebrate with us, and that is gift enough. However, if you would like to honor our wedding in some way, we have two options for you!

Veterans' and Mental Health needs are issues close to Jen & Tom's hearts. While many of you know that Tom is a Navy Veteran (you've probably heard his stories), Jen was born to an Air Force family and was also surrounded by the same love and service of country. In addition to a father in the Air Force, her family has several Marine, Coast Guard, and Army veterans.

We would be honored with a donation via the National Veterans Legal Services Program. Jen's uncle, John Harwood, served as a Marine and was on the board of NVLSP for 20 years before he passed away in 2019. NVLSP provides free legal services to Veterans to assist them in getting the disability services they need, but don't always receive. Please dedicate your gift "In memory of John Harwood." Donate HERE.

If you are inclined to help us continue our celebration with a small donation to our "Honeymoon Fund" we will gladly spend it wisely and even add you to the Google Photo album for founding donors!

We tapped into our creative liberties and decided on a "triathlon" of sorts, complete with transition periods, as a nod to both Jen's and Tom's participation in many triathlons in their past. Stage 1 will consist of a group biking trip across Northern Thailand for a week with Backroads, an active adventures excursion company. We will transition in Phuket, where we will prepare to take to the sea for the water stage, and explore the many islands in the Gulf of Thailand. The third leg of our honeymoon tri will be getting our land legs back as we relax on a Phuket beach practicing our recovery time!

If you wish to contribute towards our "Honeymoon Fund", we thank you from the bottom of our sandy toes and ask you to please use our Venmo account (@Jennifer-Rudolph-14) avoiding any transaction fees on your part (skipping the online donation process offered by the Knot). Thank you so much for helping us continue the celebration in Thailand next February 2025!

*All donations gifted to us in any form will be matched by us 100% with a donation in kind to NC hurricane relief.